You Know You're Obsessed With Final Fantasy When...
How to Score yourself:
1-5: You have no problem.
6-10: Your shrink is gertting worried.....
11-15: You can return that copy of FFX to the local Blockbuster any day now.....
16 or more: You have passed out on the floor after playing with the Sphere Change System in FFX-2.... (You pervert!)
You Know You are Obsessed with Final Fantasy When....
- You see a guy dressed similar to a character & begin to stalk him.
- Same for a girl.
- You are the guy/girl being stalked
- When you get a headache, you fall on the ground & contort your body.
- You try to dress like Cloud.
- And you succeed!
- You get seriously offended when anybody tells you that you can’t marry Tifa or Aerith. (This really happened!)
- Your parents worry that you may try to kill the Goth down the street.
- You make a list like this.
- You attempt to make all of Clouds weapons.
- And you succeed!
- You waste hours of your time on the Internet looking at Final Fantasy related items.
- You write a story where Vincent dies & you get to marry Aerith.
- You write out crosswords using only Final Fantasy.
- You truly believe that “Ravemaster” is a Final Fantasy spinoff!
- You believe that there should be Final Fantasy Trading cards and drawing books.
- You draw loads of fanart (this to has happened)
- You go into a rage when anybody says that Cloud is gay.
- You have seen the 1st movie over 12 times.
- And you still love it!
- You have broken all of your F.F.U disks from over watching them.
- You want to kill the man who did the fanart that made Cloud look gay.
- You act like cloud so much, that the police have been called to you hous three times in the last 3 hours!
- You own both films, and have typed up scripts for both of them.......
- You can talk like all of the characters in Advent Children.
- You find yourself wondering about the likelihood of a Final Fantasy VIII movie......