What's Going On Here?!

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Site News!

We are currently working on updating our site. As we move closer to creating our second movie, which, we might add, is only available through email, we are creating wallpaper and various other offshoots by the dozen. However, you can rest assured that only the finest pieces will make it to the actual site.

New Features

4/20 - Site Created

5/3 - New Wallpapers added.

        Sprite sheet for Sora Re-Located.

 5/11 - BJ's Photoshop World added!

           Added Place for JAFAX pics!

5/17 - Added Rant List

         Created Rant Page

9/6 - Added sprite mods for Advent Children

        Removed non Working Link

9/15 - Made additions to the YKYAOW.... Page

         Wondered where BJ is in his mainenance duties.........