Visual Aid

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General Stuff

Just general stuff. These are things that we didn't put on our own pages....

A frame from our first work: Cut, Sora! Cut!

Zanarkand Abes Tribute. Made using Illustrator.

The Sprite Sheet used to make "Cut". Thanks Sora#2!

Fun ala PS1!

Here is our logo! Ala-downloadable!

Holy Cross-Overs, Batman!

A Wallpaper that features Vincent in his most powerful form: Chaos

Our friend Logan's character in Guild Wars... Who do you think it looks like?

Another Vincent wallpaper, this time, he's in his ususal garb.

Advent Children Sprites that came into existance through the miracle of MS Paint!

Zack holding the standard Shinra SOLDIER equipment...

Squall in his Final Fantasy VIII outfit. this was done off of a "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories" sprite.